How Your Business Behavior is Effecting Your Work


By Envision Design House

Things to keep in mind when you are conducting business for you and your clients. We have found this life-changing and we hope you do too!

Your Follow-Through Isn’t Working

Say your dream client has reached out to 3 different agencies for the same service. Don’t miss out on your dream client because you don't feel like responding to that email at the moment. If you’re not planning on taking their business on, do the courtesy of sending them a message telling them so.

Be Consistent

Being predictable in some ways is a good thing. Having a consistent presence on your platforms keeps people (and potential clients) wanting more. You can also translate consistency through other forms of business like follow-ups and email blasts.

Are Your Visions Aligned? Or Are You Just Taking Every Client?

B Working with a client for more than just a short term is a relationship you are adding to your life. You want to make sure that your visions and ideas align with each other It is okay to say no, because you are working with your clients, not for them. Like any good relationship, you need to be compatible in some ways.


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